How The SABER Certification Process Works For Dubai Companies?

In the global market, ensuring the safety and compliance of products is crucial. For companies in Dubai, navigating the certification landscape is essential for exporting goods to Saudi Arabia. One key certification is the SABER Certificate, a mandatory requirement for exporting regulated products to Saudi Arabia.

What is the SABER Certificate?

The SABER Certificate is a conformity assessment program introduced by the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO). This program aims to ensure that products entering the Saudi market comply with the country’s safety and quality standards. The SABER Certificate is part of the Saudi Product Safety Program (SALEEM), designed to enhance consumer safety and streamline the import process.

Importance of SABER Certification for Dubai Companies

For Dubai-based exporters, obtaining a SABER Certificate in UAE is vital for several reasons:

  1. Market Access: Without a SABER Certificate, products cannot be cleared at Saudi customs, hindering market entry.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring products meet Saudi standards avoids potential fines and legal issues.
  3. Consumer Trust: Certification boosts consumer confidence in the safety and quality of products.

Steps to Obtain a SABER Certificate in the UAE

Obtaining a SABER Certificate involves several steps. Dubai companies must follow a structured process to ensure compliance with SASO’s requirements.

1. Product Classification

The first step is classifying the product to determine if it falls under regulated or non-regulated categories. SASO has defined various technical regulations for different product categories. This classification helps identify the applicable standards and certification requirements.

2. Registration on the SABER Platform

Companies must register on the SABER platform, an online portal managed by SASO. This platform facilitates the certification process by allowing companies to submit applications, track progress, and manage certificates.

3. Selection of Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs)

Once registered, companies need to select a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) approved by SASO. These CABs are responsible for evaluating products against the relevant Saudi standards. Choosing an appropriate CAB is crucial for a smooth certification process.

4. Product Testing and Evaluation

The selected CAB conducts comprehensive testing and evaluation of the product. This may involve physical testing, document verification, and factory inspections to ensure compliance with the applicable technical regulations.

5. Issuance of Product Certificate of Conformity (PCoC)

Upon successful evaluation, the CAB issues a Product Certificate of Conformity (PCoC). This certificate confirms that the product complies with Saudi standards. The PCoC is uploaded to the SABER platform, where it becomes part of the product’s digital file.

6. Shipment Certificate of Conformity (SCoC)

For each shipment to Saudi Arabia, companies must obtain a Shipment Certificate of Conformity (SCoC). The SCoC is issued after verifying that the products in the shipment match the certified specifications. This certificate is also managed through the SABER platform and is essential for customs clearance.

Benefits of the SABER Certification Process

The SABER certification process offers several benefits for Dubai companies:

  • Streamlined Import Procedures: The SABER platform simplifies the certification process, reducing delays and ensuring timely product clearance.
  • Enhanced Market Access: Compliance with Saudi standards facilitates smoother market entry and expands business opportunities.
  • Improved Product Quality: Adhering to rigorous standards ensures high product quality, increasing customer satisfaction and brand reputation.

Challenges and Considerations

While the SABER certification process provides numerous advantages, companies may face challenges such as:

  • Complex Documentation: The process involves extensive documentation and strict adherence to technical standards.
  • Costs: Certification and testing fees can be significant, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • Time-Consuming: The evaluation and testing phase may be time-consuming, affecting product launch timelines.


For Dubai companies aiming to export to Saudi Arabia, obtaining a SABER Certificate in the UAE is a crucial step. By understanding the certification process and adhering to SASO’s requirements, companies can ensure compliance, enhance market access, and build consumer trust. Despite potential challenges, the benefits of SABER certification far outweigh the complexities, making it a valuable investment for businesses seeking to thrive in the Saudi market.

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