
What is an E-Verify Desk Review: Process and Purpose Explained

E-Verify desk reviews have become a focal point for many employers in the US. As compliance scrutiny intensifies, understanding its intricacies is crucial for organizations to ensure adherence to E-Verify regulations.

This blog aims to demystify the desk review process, explaining its purpose, key components, and steps to ensure a successful outcome.

What is E-Verify?

E-Verify is an internet-based system that compares information from an employee’s Form I-9 to records in government databases to confirm employment eligibility. It’s a voluntary program for employers but is compulsory for certain federal contractors.

Who is an E-Verify Employer?

As already stated, the program is mandatory for specific categories of employers:

It’s important to note that while E-Verify participation is voluntary for most employers, it can be a strategic decision to ensure compliance and maintain a legal workforce.

What is an E-Verify Desk Review?

An E-Verify desk review is a compliance check performed by the E-Verify Account compliance team to confirm employers adhere to program guidelines. This process involves meticulously examining an employer’s employment verification methods, including document retention, recordkeeping, and overall E-Verify usage. Desk reviews generally involve phone calls, emails, and document requests.

What is the purpose of E-Verify Desk Reviews?

The primary objective of E-Verify desk reviews is to assess an employer’s compliance with E-Verify program guidelines. By conducting these reviews, the E-Verify Account Compliance team aims to:

Through desk reviews, E-Verify aims to promote a fair and legal workforce while providing employers with the necessary tools to maintain compliance.

E-Verify Desk Review Process Explained

The desk review process generally follows these steps:

How does E-Verify Select a Participant for a Desk Review?

The E-Verify selection process for desk reviews is based on various factors, including but not limited to:

When an employer is chosen for a desk review, they will typically receive a notification via email or phone from E-Verify Account Compliance outlining the next steps. The desk review allows participants to discuss difficulties or issues using E-Verify with Account Compliance.

Note: Any employer using E-Verify could be selected for a desk review, regardless of company size or industry.

E-Verify Desk Review Acceptance Notification

When selected for an E-Verify desk review, employers will receive a formal notification outlining specific requirements and expectations. This notification typically includes:

Accompanying the notification are usually three essential documents:

It’s crucial for employers to respond promptly and accurately to the desk review notification to avoid potential issues.

Below is an email sent by E-Verify notifying the Desk Review:

Enclosure 1- Request for Documents typically outlines the specific E-Verify cases selected for review:

Here is a sample of the Enclosure 2 — Profile Confirmation Form:

Besides these, an E-Verify Self Assessment Guide (M-1043) is enclosed. It is provided to assist employers in maintaining E-Verify compliance. It outlines best practices, identifies potential risk areas, and offers guidance on improving E-Verify usage. By completing the self-assessment, employers can identify strengths and weaknesses in their E-Verify processes, implement corrective actions, and reduce the likelihood of compliance issues. The guide covers various aspects of E-Verify, including Form I-9 completion, case management, and recordkeeping.

E-Verify Desk Reviews: Mistakes to Avoid

Understanding common pitfalls can help employers prepare for and successfully navigate a desk review. Here are some frequent areas of concern:

For a smooth desk review process, employers can:

By following these guidelines, employers can increase their chances of a successful desk review and maintain E-Verify compliance.

Is There a Link Between E-Verify Desk Reviews and I-9 Audits?

While not a guaranteed outcome, there is a heightened possibility of an on-site audit or investigation following an E-Verify desk review. The desk review serves as a preliminary assessment of an employer’s compliance, and if irregularities or systemic issues are identified, it could trigger further investigation.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has the authority to conduct workplace enforcement actions, including audits and investigations, to ensure compliance with immigration laws, including E-Verify regulations. As 8 CFR Part 274a outlines, all employers are subject to potential audits and investigations. While a desk review is not synonymous with an audit, it can be seen as a forerunner, providing authorities with valuable insights into an employer’s E-Verify practices.

Numerous reports indicate that employers who have undergone desk reviews subsequently faced on-site audits or investigations. These follow-up actions often involve more stringent document verification, employee interviews, and potential penalties for non-compliance.

Therefore, employers must treat desk reviews seriously and take necessary steps to ensure compliance.

The following is a sample STEM OPT Employer Site Visit Notification received by an employer subsequent to an E-Verify desk review:

Summing Up

An E-Verify desk review is a compliance inspection conducted by the E-Verify account compliance team to ensure employers accurately utilize the system. This in-depth review examines an employer’s employment eligibility verification practices, including Form I-9 completion, document retention, and E-Verify case management.

Understanding the E-Verify desk review process is crucial for employers seeking compliance. Employers can mitigate risks and strengthen their E-Verify program by proactively preparing for a potential review and addressing any identified issues. While desk reviews are a compliance tool, it’s essential to recognize that they can also serve as a precursor to more comprehensive audits by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). By prioritizing E-Verify compliance and implementing robust internal controls, employers can foster a culture of compliance within their organizations.

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