What Can You Expect From A Specialist Neck And Shoulder Pain Doctor?

Almost every American tends to suffer from neck pain and shoulder pain in one form or the other. Sometimes, the pain involves the shoulder and neck area, while in other instances, the pain can radiate down to the arms. The intensity of the pain can range from dull to the feel of electric shock down the hands. No matter the type of pain or the reason behind it, you might need the help of a shoulder and Neck Pain Doctor Brooklyn, Staten Island, for proper redressal.

Neck Pain Doctor Brooklyn, Staten Island

What Might Cause Your Pain?

There can be various reasons to contribute to your pain. It includes but does not necessarily remain confined to continuous cradling your mobile between your neck and shoulder, carrying a heavy purse or a backpack for extended hours, herniated disk, emotional stress, osteoarthritis, poor posture, sports injury, TMJ disorders, tension headache, whiplash and even trauma from falls and accidents.

Lines of Treatments

Your neck and Shoulder Pain Doctor Brooklyn, Staten Island, is likely to pursue different types of treatment. The treatment protocol might depend on factors like the intensity of pain and the physical examination findings. However, popular treatment lines include bracing, injection in trigger points, ablations of radio frequency, acupuncture, acupressure, soft tissue manipulation, steroid injections, and epidurals and, under unavoidable circumstances, surgery. Once your doctor identifies the real cause of your pain, he can suggest the best type of treatment for you.

Can modified or reduced activities help?

If you are suffering from a niggling shoulder or pain for a long time, then it is ideal that you don’t take up any new exercise or physical activity that you usually do not perform. You can also do less physical exercise or any type of activity on a temporary basis. This can give your neck and your shoulders some time to heal. Also, your shoulders and Neck Pain Doctor Brooklyn Staten Island can prescribe certain physical therapies to enhance your muscle flexibility and strength.

When to call a doctor?

In most cases, minor pains can get resolved well within some days at home. However, if the pain recurs on regular basis, or lasts for many days, or invites other symptoms like weakness, headache, or numbness, then it could be the time to get medical help.

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