We feel proud to introduce that our school shreeram world school is an exceptional school of learning which provides best class education in a humane and congenial environment. Our school is a unique place where our cultural coexists with the technology. It is our aim to nurture and give the world a community of thinking and compassionate citizens who are committed to living with responsibility with Ignited minds. it is important to build a better and brighter future which we try for every individual person who join with us.


The mission of The Shree Ram School is to provide each student with a diverse education in a safe supportive environment that promotes sound values, self discipline, motivation and excellence in learning.Our school philosophy is “Vidya Dadaati Vinayam”-from knowledge comes humility. The school values are at the heart of our teaching practices, and serve as the guiding principles for the ethical standards we foster in our children. Integrity and sensitivity are the part of the shree ram school. possessing knowledge about the cultural heritage of one’s country and expressing appreciation for its finest traditions. Pursuit of excellence are being part of an educational journey and fosters creativity, innovation and collaboration.

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