Using Air Freight Volume Weight Calculation Formulas for Cloud Equipment​​​​​​​

Networking hardware, servers, and storage devices are included in cloud architecture. Cloud computing, Software as a Service (SaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) can all be delivered thanks to these essential components, which form the basis of data centers all over the world.

Volumetric weight is essential when exporting cloud computing equipment, particularly via air freight. To determine the shipping costs and guarantee effective transit, this measurement is essential. 

Understanding volume weight is vital for several reasons:

  • Cost Optimization: “Don’t overpay for shipping! Accurate volume weight calculations can help you save money.”
  • Efficient Packing: “Pack smarter, not harder. Understanding volume weight can help you choose the right packaging to save on shipping costs.”
  • Regulatory Compliance: “Avoid headaches and delays. Make sure your shipments comply with airline and customs regulations regarding volume weight.”


By delving into the intricacies of volume weight and its application to cloud equipment shipments, we can gain valuable insights that contribute to successful and cost-effective international transportation.


Understanding Volume Weight

Definition of Volume Weight

The shipping statistic that measures how much space a shipment takes up in relation to its actual weight is called Volume weight.


Why Volume Weight is Used in Air Freight

This is particularly essential given the limited cargo capacity available on flights. By considering both the weight and dimensions of a package, airlines can better optimize their cargo capacity, leading to more efficient operations and reduced waste of space. 


Factors Affecting Volume Weight

Packaging Materials and Methods

The way you package your cloud equipment can have a big impact on its volume weight. Also, be mindful of how you pack your equipment inside the boxes. By minimizing empty spaces, you can make your shipment more compact and reduce its volume weight. Remember that protective materials like bubble wrap or foam are important, but using too much can make your shipment heavier. So, find a balance between protection and efficiency to keep your volume weight as low as possible.

Equipment Dimensions and Density

The dimensions and density of the cloud equipment itself play a crucial role in determining volume weight.

  • Dimensions: Larger equipment will naturally occupy more space, leading to higher volume weight.
  • Density: Denser equipment will weigh more for a given volume, potentially impacting volume weight calculations.


The Role of an Importer of Record

Definition of an Importer of Record

An IOR is an entity that is in charge of importing goods from one country into another country. He serves as the main point of contact for customs officers and is in charge of all the import processes.


How an Importer of Record Can Assist with Volume Weight Calculations

An experienced importer of record can provide valuable assistance with volume weight calculations in several ways:

  • Expertise: They have in-depth knowledge of air freight regulations and customs procedures, including those related to volume weight calculations.
  • Guidance: The importer of record can guide the best practices for calculating volume weight to ensure accurate and efficient shipments.

Additional Considerations for Cloud Equipment Shipments

Harmonized System (HS) Codes for Cloud Equipment

A globally recognized method of nomenclature for classifying objects is called the Harmonized method (HS). Precise HS codes are necessary for tax calculation and customs clearance.

Equipment in the cloud usually comes under different HS codes, depending on what kind of equipment it is. As an example, consider:

  • Servers: HS code 8471 (office machines)
  • Storage devices: HS code 8471 (office machines) or 8523 (parts of automatic data processing machines)
  • Networking components: HS code 8517 (electrical machines)


The GSP, or Generalized System of Preferences

Wealthier countries can purchase items from developing nations at a lower tariff under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP). This can provide significant cost savings for cloud equipment imports from GSP-eligible countries. 


Terms for Delivery at Place (DAP)

As per the Incoterm “Delivery at Place” (DAP), the vendor is required to bring the goods to a prearranged spot and obtain approval for their import, but they cannot be unloaded from the vehicle upon arrival.

The buyer is often in charge of arranging customs clearance, handling import duties and taxes, and offloading the goods when buying cloud equipment through DAP. However, the vendor may be able to help with these duties for an extra price.

Tariff rates and duties apply to cloud equipment imports.

The equipment’s HS code, the nation of origin, and any relevant trade agreements all affect the tariff rates and levies.

You must investigate the particular tariff rates and duties that apply to your imports of cloud equipment and take into account any possible exemptions or drawbacks from duties.

By carefully considering these additional factors, businesses can optimize their cloud equipment shipments and minimize costs while ensuring compliance with customs regulations and maximizing potential benefits.



Air freight volume weight calculations are essential for efficient and cost-effective shipments of cloud equipment. Shippers can optimize their packaging, minimize shipping expenses, and guarantee compliance with air cargo requirements by precisely calculating the volume weight. Businesses can guarantee smooth and economical shipments of cloud equipment by carefully weighing these variables and enlisting the help of an importer of record.

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