
Underground Marine Life Discovered Near Hydrothermal Vents

A remarkable discovery has uncovered underground marine life near deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Researchers from the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, led by marine biologist Sabine Gollner, made the groundbreaking find. They explored the Pacific seabed using the deep-diving robot SuBastian. This area, the East Pacific Rise, is where tectonic plates meet and gradually separate. In the volcanic rock beneath the ocean floor, scientists found cavities teeming with life.

These underground spaces revealed a unique marine ecosystem. Giant tubeworms, snails, and bristle worms, all known to inhabit hydrothermal vents, were found in these lava cavities. This is the first time such species were discovered living beneath the ocean floor. The hydrothermal vents release superheated. chemical-rich water, creating ideal conditions for these organisms to thrive. The discovery also changes our understanding of marine ecosystems by showing that life extends beyond the ocean floor.

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