Types Of Spinal Cord Injury

Medical doctors classify different kinds of spinal cord injuries into two categories: the type of injury and the location of the injury inside the spinal cord. A spinal cord injury can cause disruption to nerve signal flow anywhere below the site of the incident.

Depending on how severe the problem is, there are various types of spinal cord injuries (SCI):

Total spinal cord injury: A total spinal cord injury causes irreversible harm to the area of the spinal cord that is injured. Damage to the entire spinal cord can result in either paraplegia, which affects the lower half of the body, or tetraplegia, which affects all four limbs.

Incomplete spinal cord injury: An incomplete spinal cord injury is the same as partial spinal cord damage. The range of motion and level of feeling in the affected area are determined by the extent of the spine damage. The patient’s health and medical history influence the outcome.

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