
The Eternal Book – Wisdom Beyond Time and Space

Origins: The Infinite Wisdom


The Eternal Book originates from the Divine, the ONE Being, encompassing both He and She. Existing beyond and through Time, They are the sole entity. Everything in existence is a manifestation of Their essence. This unfolds from Their absolute Oneness into manifestations through Their Attributes, Form, expanding Knowledge, and ultimately the creation of the World.


Evolution: From Unknowing to Complete Knowledge


Before Time, the Divine transcends Knowledge, with all knowledge residing within Him. To uncover this, He reveals Himself to Himself, thus entering Time. Through this revelation, He “evolves” from a state of unknowing beyond knowledge to the discovery and development of His full Knowledge, eternally present. Humanity participates in this divine journey, evolving at the intersection of Divinity and Creation, uncovering the deepest qualities of the ONE Being.


Discovery: A Journey Through the Mirror


In the current chapter of the Eternal Book, we inhabit a “world of exile,” a realm of separation. This world serves as the arena for developing the concept of non-Being, revealing the deepest qualities of Being, much like a journey through the other side of the “mirror.” The Divine, pure knowledge, love, and bliss, is reflected here in opposites, revealing redeeming love, self-sacrifice, and the triumph of life over death.


Transformative Power: From Darkness to Light


Here, we experience manifestations of darkness and evil, opposites of the Divine light and love. The human ego, a spark of Divine Consciousness linked to non-Being, exists in separation. The Cross embodies the redeeming power that transforms evil into good and death into life. Through the Cross, the human ego responds to Divine love, renouncing itself for the Divine and all Creation. The ego, receiving the Cross, is infused with the Water of Life, “melted,” “dissolved,” and “extinguished,” to be reborn in Unity consciousness. The Divine Light and Love received vertically is spread horizontally to all Mankind and downward to all Creation.


On the Cross, the renewed ego forgives all negative ideas. The Love at the Cross’s Center acts as a Principle of Conversion, absorbing and dissolving negative ideas, transforming them into positive ideas. This process transmutes “bad spirits” or “demons” into “good spirits” or “angels,” such as transforming violence into Gentleness.


Enlightenment: Passing the Torch


In this world of separation and ignorance, the Divine intervenes at key moments, bringing Light and Knowledge, guiding humanity towards awakening from the illusion of contradictions and suffering. Each Age witnesses an anointed one who receives the Torch of Truth, illuminating Divine Love, and passing it to souls who help carry the light for All.


Revelation: From Scorpio to Aquarius


This world encompasses twelve Ages, corresponding to the twelve zodiac signs. While the twelve Steps of the Eternal Book start in Aries and end in Pisces, the twelve Ages within the Eighth Step of Scorpio progress “backwards,” beginning in Scorpio and ending in Sagittarius. Each Age has one major Anointed of the Divine. In the first seven Ages, the Divine conveyed His main messages through the line of Bharata, and then through Israel, forming two Lines of Revelation that support the full and final revelation. This culminates in the Eternal Temple, descending from the Celestial Plane, manifesting in the Age of Aquarius.


Conclusion: Harmony in the Eternal Book


The Eternal Book represents the final revelation of the Divine to Humanity, embodying full knowledge of the Divine Himself. Throughout the Ages, traditions have lost parts of the original revelations, with human interpretations filling the gaps, resulting in a partial loss of the initial light. The Eternal Book restores all to Light, harmonizing the deepest essence of each tradition.

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