Summer Season And Health Of Your Tyres: Is There Any Relation?

Experts use high-class rubber, chemicals and anti-ageing ingredients to make durable tyres. However, these premium tyres are unable to assist you forever. Ageing, road conditions and bad weather will affect their strength and efficiency over time. The rate of wear and tear will be different in tyres because of several factors, such as quality of tyres, maintenance, age of tyres, and driving conditions.

This blog is about the link between the summer season and car Tyres Kingsthorpe. As you see, weather is a common factor to affects the structural integrity of car tyres. Therefore, it is vital to look at the negative effects of summer heat on car tyres.

In the summer season, days are long and the heat is at its peak level. These conditions are enough to degrade your car tyres permanently. You can surely reduce the negative effects with some precautions and proper maintenance tips.

Before we talk about the maintenance of car tyres, let us have a look at the effects of heat on car tyres.

Heat and friction:

We know well about the friendship of heat and friction. These two common enemies of tyres take place when they move on roads. Since roads in the summer season are already hot, a high level of heat takes place to degrade your tyres quickly.


Degradation of rubber material will promote tread wear in your tyres. The rate of tread wear depends on the age of your tyres, speed, heat and texture of the road surface. Tread wear is an irreparable issue. Therefore, you have to change your tyres instantly after observing the signs of tread wear.

Punctures and blowouts:

Hot and tender rubber car tyres are an easy target for iron nails and other sharp objects. If your tyres are already facing tread wear, they are more likely to face puncture in the summer season.

According to experts, blowouts frequently take place in the summer months because of the negative effects of heat. Heat and friction increase the rate of degradation in car tyres. As a result, any weak area in the tyre may explode at any moment due to its inability to hold air pressure.

High air pressure:

Heat will increase the air pressure in your tyres. In fact, the molecules of air move quickly because of heat and they cause the expansion of air with the help of their movement. As a result, your device detects high air pressure in tyres.


A combination of heat, friction and speed may cause cracks on the sidewall. Cracks indicate that the rubber of the tyre is dry and brittle and it is unable to perform its functions.  Since environmental heat is normal in the summer season, cracks will increase their size quickly. As a result, your tyres will face the risk of blowouts because of major cracks on their sidewall.

As you see, there are many effects of heat on car tyres during the summer months.

You cannot stop the process of tyre degradation completely but some tips will be useful for you to keep your tyres in good condition during summer months.

Have a look!

Drive your car slowly:

These are the most common preventive you have to consider to keep your tyres safe in the summer season. Slow speed keeps tyres in comfort because of low levels of heat and friction. This tip is more valuable when you drive your car on uneven roads because friction is naturally high on these surfaces.

Save your tyres from heat:

However, saving tyres from sunlight or hot roads is impossible but you can take some steps to reduce the negative effects of heat. You have to park your car in a shaded area. Moreover, taking frequent breaks during a long trip is a good tip to save your car tyres from heat as well.

Consider air pressure:

Air pressure is also a considerable factor. As you see, low air pressure increases the level of heat and friction in tyres. Moreover, high air pressure also creates ideal conditions for tyre blowouts. Therefore, keeping air pressure at the correct level is essential especially when you drive your car to cover long distances.

Never drive your car with bald tyres:

If you want to avoid blowouts in the summer season, check tread depth regularly. Tread depth is a crucial factor in saving you from blowouts. A larger area of bald tyres will touch the road surface. Moreover, tread wear makes the rubber material thinner to face the negative effects of heat and friction. Therefore, do not drive your vehicle on bald tyres, especially during the summer season. However, this tip is valuable in other seasons as well.

Change your bulged or cracked tyres:

Cracks and bulges on the tyre sidewall are going to cause a tyre blowout sooner or later. Therefore, do not increase risk factors by driving on these faulty tyres. You must not repair cracks and bulges because the presence of these faults is an indication of poor strength and ageing. So, changing tyres in this condition will be a good option for you.

High air pressure and bulges/cracks are a dangerous combination. Therefore, consider air pressure if you have to drive your car urgently on Cheap Tyres Northampton that are facing bulges or cracks. Moreover, slow down your vehicle to reduce the chances of a tyre blowout.


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