
Solving Wi-Fi Woes: Using an Extender to Improve Your Home Network Coverage

Not sure what to do to get a reliable and fast wifi signal?

This is a very widespread problem but every problem has a solution. The Linksys RE7000 is the answer in this context. The Internet has become crucial to coping with the rising competition and technology. Linksys understands the needs and problems of today’s generation when it comes to data connection. That is why, Linksys offers a variety of network systems with advanced features. On top of that, only an accurate setup is needed to get the best quality internet. 

About Linksys RE7000 Extender

The extender is an advanced network device that works as a bridge between the main router and the connected devices. It receives signals from the router and amplifies the quality and speed. Then, rebroadcasts the signals to the user’s devices. The Linksys RE7000 is a powerful extender that greatly improves the wireless network coverage in your house. Some of its advanced and unique features are given below: 



Due to these, you can easily eliminate the dead wifi zones of your house by performing the Linksys RE7000 setup. You can enjoy the high-speed wifi in every corner of your space once you are done.

Let’s Map Out Some Key Factors 

There are a few things that you should get ready before jumping onto the main configuration process. This preparation is called the Initial Setup too. 



Unbox the Linksys extender package and check all the items carefully. Make sure the box contains


Call the seller or the Support Desk immediately if:




You have to assemble the extender first if the antennas come separately in the box.

Open the user manual guide. Go to the page where assembling is explained. Read all the instructions thoroughly and assemble the Linksys RE7000 correctly. 


The place you choose for your extender plays a pivotal role in its performance. So, it is needless to say you have to pick a place that favors the data supply. 


Powering Up The Extender


Let’s Get To The Main Business

First of all, connect the extender to your router so that it can have a data source. You can do that by using the ethernet cable that you found in the extender’s box. The alternative method is the WPS method. Press the WPS button on the router and then on the extender. Make sure you do that within 2 minutes. When the light stops blinking, understand that the connection is successful.

Getting Into The Web Interface 

This process is usually known as login. The steps are simple and anybody can perform them. It is like logging into any of your social media accounts. 



Further On The Setup Page 

You are almost done after completing the login. Now you have to make some adjustments in the settings field. 


General Settings

Advanced Settings

Final Part Of The Process 


Yay! You are all set to enjoy a very powerful and stable internet connection. You can work, shop, stream movies, play games, and do much more without waiting for good data signals. 

What To Do If The Process Goes South

Contact the Tech Team without wasting any time. This is a group of highly professional and trained technicians. They are famously known for identifying most issues in a flip. A member will be allotted to you when you get in contact with them. The team member will hear you out patiently and make sure the issue you are facing is resolved without any delay. 

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