
Shift-Left Testing – Everything You Need to Know About

Building software that is perfect for consumers is not a cakewalk. It takes ample time, effort, and resources. Especially meeting the budget and time-to-market is often complex in the case of software delivery. The right planning and testing strategies are often the key to resolving this issue. In this agile ecosystem, organizations are thus focusing on moving faster by reducing the length of time for delivery while continuing to improve the quality of each release. In addition to this, they are faced with challenges in reducing testing costs. As a result, several organizations are adopting agile approaches where different testers with various skill sets participate in the testing process in the early stages. This movement vastly refers to “shifting left.”

What do we understand by shift-left testing?

The shift-left approach refers to shifting left in the cycle that allows QA and testing teams to test earlier. This will enable them to detect bugs earlier, making them less costly and faster. As this approach helps to reduce overall costs and improve product quality at the same time, it is beneficial that organizations adopt appropriate testing approaches to address the economic downswing.

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