Revolutionizing Skincare: The Magic of Concentrated Growth Factor

Achieving healthy, radiant skin that heals effectively and maintains a youthful glow is a common desire for many. However, learn more about  Revolutionizing Skincare: The Magic of Concentrated Growth Factor in the below post and get the treatment right away.

Conventional regenerative therapies such as the “Vampire facial in Dubai” use cells from the patient’s own blood to offer treatment that will renew and regenerate. Concentrated Growth Factor In Dubai simply take this proven technology to the next level.

What is a Vampire Facial?

With a vampire facial, you can seem younger by utilizing the advantages of PRP and microneedling. Using a centrifuge, the PRP used in this procedure is extracted from your blood.

The procedure essentially begins with microscopic punctures made to your facial skin using microneedling. This step’s two major goals are to build tiny channels to aid in PRP absorption and to stimulate collagen formation through those punctures.

Who is a good candidate for vampire facial?

Aside from a few exemptions, the Vampire Facial is safe for most individuals. Generally, you are a good candidate for this treatment if you have:

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Acne scars
  • Physical trauma on the face

What does a vampire facial do for your face?

This helps reduce scars, overcome sun damage, and treat wrinkles and fine lines. As a result, you get firm, youthful facial skin with reduced sagginess.

How do I prepare for a vampire facial?

Before the method, the individuals are required to follow the below instructions to go through a safe procedure.

  • Do not take blood thinners.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol.
  • Prevent smoking.
  • Do not go under the sun.
  • Wear comfortable clothes.
  • Keep your skin clean.
  • Keep your skin moisturized.
  • Discuss your goals and concerns with the expert surgeon.
  • Discuss medical history.
  • Have a comfortable recovery space.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking water.

How does it work?

At Enfield Royal Clinic, through the process of Concentrated Growth Factor (CGF) therapy, the wonder substance CGF, which has unparalleled healing properties—is isolated from the patient’s own blood. CGF has many advantages, including the ability to treat hair loss and heal damaged skin by stimulating stem cells to proliferate and produce more collagen, elastin, and connective tissue. 

Dermal fillers and a fully customized moisturizer can also be made with CGF. The best part is that it is totally safe to use because it is all natural and unlikely to produce an allergic reaction.

How does vampire facial treatment work?

Vampire Facial is a simple treatment that starts with your dermatologist extracting blood from your vein. This blood is put into a vial which is then loaded into a centrifuge. The rotation of the vial inside this device separates PRP from other blood cells.


Your dermatologist will do microneedling on your face either during or after centrifugation using a unique tool known as a Dermapen. There are several tiny needles on the tip of this instrument. Your practitioner activates the Dermapen by moving this tip across the skin, which causes the needles to travel back and forth and puncture the skin. These needles have an adjustable depth of action that ranges from 0.5 to 2.5 millimeters.


The tiny holes made by the Dermapen’s needles cause micro-inflammation, which sets off the skin’s tissues and cells to mend. Increased production of elastin and collagen characterizes this reaction. 

The dermatologist administers PRP made from your blood to your facial skin after the Dermapen has completed its work. In order to promote collagen synthesis and tissue healing, the PRP permeates the pinpricks and delivers growth factors and platelets further into the skin. This expedites the process of reaching face rejuvenation objectives.

A Vampire Facial In Dubai usually takes a week to show initial results. More noticeable results start to pour in after one to two months.

What should you not do after a vampire facial?

A few things or factors can interfere with the healing that must continue after a vampire facial. So, avoiding those things is imperative to treatment success.


Here is what you need to do to ensure a smoother recovery after a vampire facial treatment.

  • Stay away from direct exposure to sunlight for at least three days.
  • Do not use tanning beds.
  • Avoid wearing makeup until complete recovery.
  • Do not rub your face for at least six hours after the treatment.
  • You may wash your face with plain water, but cleansers are a big NO.
  • After washing your face, pat the skin dry instead of rubbing it.

Is it painful?

Certain patients may find the process of taking blood a little uncomfortable.

How many sessions are required?

To create CGF just one session is needed. Depending on what you wish to have treatment-wise once your CGF has been harnessed will dictate the number of sessions. Ask your therapist for further information.

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