Renal Function Panel Test

The Renal Function Panel serves as a critical diagnostic tool in assessing the health and functionality of the kidneys. Consisting of a series of blood and urine tests, this panel evaluates various markers crucial for understanding kidney function. The kidneys play a vital role in filtering waste, regulating electrolytes, maintaining fluid balance, and producing hormones essential for overall health. Any impairment in kidney function can lead to severe health complications, making the Renal Function Panel a valuable tool for early detection and monitoring of kidney-related conditions.One of the primary reasons for conducting Anemia Profile Tests is to identify the specific type of anemia. The test assesses red blood cell parameters, helping healthcare providers distinguish between diverse types such as iron-deficiency anemia, vitamin deficiency anemia, or hemolytic anemia.The primary focus of the Anemia Profile Test is to evaluate red blood cell parameters, iron levels, and other factors crucial for identifying the specific type and cause of anemia.

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