The Karnataka State Eligibility Test (K-SET) for Chemical Science follows a structured pattern to evaluate candidatesu2019 knowledge and aptitude. The exam consists of two papers conducted in a single session. Paper 1 is a general paper focusing on Teaching and Research Aptitude, with 50 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) for 100 marks. Paper 2 is subject-specific, covering the Chemical Science syllabus, and includes 100 MCQs for 200 marks.
The questions in Paper 2 are on topics like Inorganic, Organic, and Physical Chemistry, and Spectroscopy, Analytical Chemistry, and Applications. Each correct answer carries 2 marks and there is no negative marking, so that the candidate can attempt all the questions. The total time available for the exam is 3 hours with no separate timing for each paper. Proper time management and the good knowledge of the syllabus are required to ace up the K-SET Chemical Science exam.