Is Breast Implant Surgery Safe?

Breast augmentation with implants is the most popular and widely performed procedure in Delhi, India, and around the world. Millions of women get breast implants inserted for cosmetic or reconstructive purposes. 

While silicone and saline breast implants have been in use for quite a while, there is a significant concern about the safety of these implants. 

If you are considering breast implant surgery in Delhi, the first question that arises in everyone’s mind is: ‘Are breast implants safe?”

As with all devices, there are some risks associated with breast implants, too. Read on to learn about the essential facts related to breast implants to make an informed decision. 

Breast Implant in Delhi: Understanding the Basics

Breast augmentation is a standard procedure that involves the use of implants to change the size and contour of your breasts. They can be used to achieve the size of the breasts you want. Implants can also be used to replace the lost tissue during breast cancer surgery. 

In India, the two most common types of implants used are silicone and saline implants, and their safety is regulated by the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization. To ensure patient safety, reputable Delhi clinics only use FDA-approved implants that meet international quality and standards. 

Types of Breast Implants

Saline Implants: These implants are filled with sterile water. They are inserted empty during breast implant surgery in Delhi and filled once they are in place. If the implant ruptures, the body absorbs the saline water, so there is no risk. 

Silicone implants: These implants are filled with silicone gel and are less likely to wrinkle than saline implants. Modern, cohesive silicone gel implants, also known as gummy bear implants, are designed to maintain their shape even if damaged. 

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Breast Implant Safety

  • Silicone and saline implants undergo rigorous testing and research before being available to patients in India and abroad. 
  • The technology is constantly changing and improving. The durability of implants has considerably improved. The cohesiveness of the silicone gel ensures that the silicone gel stays together even if there is a cut or tear in the implant. 
  • While implants are made for long-term use, the FDA and the best plastic surgeons recommend regular medical imaging to ensure their integrity. 
  • With the introduction of gummy bear breast implants in Delhi, the risk of silicone leakage is much less. However, even if the silicone leaks out, it has no adverse health impact on the body. 
  • In case of any rupture or leak, a replacement is recommended, as a rupture can change the look of your breast. 
  • The FDA recommends that you get your breast implants screened – using an MRI or ultrasound – five to six years after silicone implant placement and every two to three years after that
  • Pregnancy, weight loss, and menopause may influence the appearance of augmented breasts throughout your lifetime

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Rare Health Problems

Public concern has been expressed about the health problem known as BIL ( Breast Implant Illness), which includes joint pain, fatigue, and memory problems. In the case of such complications, we recommend that patients consult a board-certified surgeon to address them in a timely manner. Likewise, if you desire to have breast implant surgery in Delhi, you should consider getting it from a board-certified surgeon only. 

Bottom Line

Whether you are looking for ways to boost your confidence because your breast size is small or you want to know about post-mastectomy options, breast augmentation is just the correct procedure for you. It is a highly personal decision, but to understand its safety and risks, you should always consult a board-certified surgeon only. 

Dr Shobhit Gupta, who runs Shobhit Aesthetics in Delhi, is regarded as the best plastic and cosmetic surgeon. To discuss the pros and cons of breast implants and breast implant surgery costs in Delhi, schedule a consultation with him today!

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