
Infringement Analysis

Infringement analysis is a vital part of patent licensing services, ensuring that your intellectual property is protected from being infringed upon by companies in core and non-core market areas. This allows you to license and monetize your IP. During infringement analysis, we conduct a comprehensive search and prepare a list of players in the core and non-core market areas relevant to the patents and the companies infringing on the patents.

At Ingenious, we prepare Evidence Of Use (EoU) / Claim charts to provide a detailed mapping of every element of the patent claim(s) with the infringing (accused) product or a standard. EoU charts help lawyers, attorneys, and counsels determine the infringement of the patent. Clients use EoUs to show infringement by a product/standard and include evidence based on which the target product/standard is accused. An EoU chart represents evidence for each claim element in a graphical or tabular form. We prepare Rule 11 EoU charts for our clients, showing the overlap of patent claims with evidence from product documentation. Detailed product evidence is included in the EoU chart for each claim limitation individually.

Why is Patent Infringement Analysis Imperative?

Why Ingenious e-Brain for Patent Infringement Analysis?

About Ingenious e-Brain

Ingenious e-Brain is one of the renowned consulting firms that provides 360-degree support to enterprises across the globe in improving their portfolios, be they Fortune 50 companies, startups, institutions, or independent inventors. With a team of 60+ IP professionals honing technical knowledge across various domains, we’ve been strategically guiding our clients throughout their journey, ranging from innovating to launching any product(s) or process(es) in the market, thereby avoiding last-minute roadblocks and associated commercial loss. We are an ISO-certified company with offices in India, USA, UK, Japan, and Germany.

As one of the leading IP consulting firms with a strong reputation for handling high-stakes cases, Ingenious e-Brain provides a broad range of patent services to enterprises across various domains. Innovation, knowledge, and transparency form the basis of our company’s mission and vision. Along with cost benefits, we provide authentic results, ensuring confidentiality and security.


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