How To Get Rid of Acne Scars: Treatments And Home Remedies

Dealing with acne is itself frustrating, but the scars they leave behind are altogether a more bigger issue as they just won’t seem to fade away. No worries! Acne scars can be upsetting, but the good news is that plenty of treatments and home remedies can help achieve smoother, clearer skin. From topical creams and professional treatments to natural remedies one can try at home, there’s a solution for everyone. Hence, in this guide, we will explore the best possible methods to help get rid of acne scars and where to find the best acne scar treatment in South Delhi. So, let’s begin by understanding what acne scars are. 

What Are Acne Scars? 

Acne scars are identified as the marks that are left behind after the acne itself has gone away. It is expected to experience it, as around 1 in 5 people have acne scars on their face, chest, or back. If one is looking to make their scars less noticeable, a skin doctor can help after examining their skin health condition. 

What Are The Types of Acne Scars?

There are three main types of acne scars, which are:

  • Atrophic scars-

Icepick scars: These are small scars that look more like pinpricks. 

Boxcar scars: These scars are larger indentations with clear edges.

Rolling scars: These scars have unclear edges and give the skin an undulating (wave-like) look.

  • Hypertrophic Scars-

Hypertrophic scars are elevated, thickened scars that form at the site of a healed injury or surgical incision, usually within the borders of the original wound.

  • Keloid Scars-

These are quite similar to hypertrophic scars but tend to be larger and thicker than the original acne spot.

Yes, natural remedies are available to help clear up acne scars. However, some may cause further irritation or other problems, so anyone planning to use them should do so cautiously. 

Selected home remedies that help individuals get rid of acne scars are:

  • Using honey helps to heal wounds and reduce future scarring. 
  • Rosehip oil, which helps to reduce discoloration in postsurgical scars 
  • Aloe vera, combined with manuka honey, promotes scar-free healing of wounds. 

NOTE: These home remedies can only help to an extent, as the science behind them is still unclear. If looking for more long-lasting and permanent results, one can opt for professional treatments to treat acne scars.

How Do Laser Treatments Help Treat Acne Scars and Their Benefits? 

Laser treatment for acne scars uses laser light to destroy the scar tissue on the top layer of the skin while encouraging the growth of new healthy skin cells to replace the scar tissue. 

Benefits of Laser Treatment 

Laser acne scar treatment offers various benefits, including: 

  • Smoother skin texture 
  • Builds collagen 
  • It tightens the skin. 
  • Fades dark spots
  • Improves overall skin tone and complexion 
  • Reduced appearance of acne scars 
  • Shrink large pores. 
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles 

Laser treatment for acne scars can transform your skin, giving it a fresher, more youthful appearance. This method effectively reduces acne scars, dark spots, large pores, and fine lines. Moreover, it stimulates collagen production, leading to overall skin rejuvenation.

What Tips To Be Followed After Acne Scar Treatment?

After getting the acne scar treatment, one should follow these tips:

  • Apply sunscreen every day to the treated area
  • Avoid spending time in the sun 
  • Wash the treated skin as per the dermatologist’s recommendation 

To Plan Your Treatment, Connect With The Best Dermatologist Today!  

Acne scars are more likely to be an unwanted reminder of acne and may reduce self-esteem in people suffering from it. Though many people succeed by opting for only home remedies, consulting a dermatologist and opting for more professional treatments is suggested in cases of stubborn scarring.  

To get rid of acne scars, one can consult Dr. Anika Goel, who is most popularly known as the best dermatologist in South Delhi. With over 10+ years of experience, she is an expert in providing various skin and hair care treatments. So, don’t wait till it’s too late; book an appointment with Dr. Anika Goel today at Soul Derma Clinic!

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