
How often should you go to the dentist and why is it important?

Maintaining good oral health is essential for your overall well-being, and one of the most effective ways to achieve this is by visiting the dentist regularly. Centre Dentaire Fairmount recommends that patients visit their dentist at least twice a year to maintain optimal oral health. Below, we explore in detail how often you should go to the dentist and why it is crucial for your health.

Why should you visit the dentist every six months?

Visiting the dentist every six months may seem frequent, but there are solid reasons supported by oral health professionals that justify this recommendation.

1. Prevention of dental diseases

Regular visits to the dentist allow for early detection of dental problems such as cavities, gum disease and other oral disorders. Prevention is the key to avoiding costly treatments and major complications in the future. During checkups, dentists can identify early signs of problems and treat them before they become serious.

2. Professional cleaning

Although brushing and flossing are essential for daily oral hygiene, they are not enough to completely remove accumulated plaque and tartar. Professional cleanings performed by a dental hygienist remove these deposits that can cause cavities and gum disease. Plus, a professional cleaning leaves your mouth fresh and your smile brighter.

3. Early diagnosis of oral cancer

Oral cancer is a serious disease that, detected early, has better treatment and survival rates. During regular visits, dentists perform comprehensive exams that include screening for signs of oral cancer. This early diagnosis is vital for effective treatment.

4. General health assessment

Oral health is closely related to the overall health of the body. Diseases such as diabetes and heart problems can initially manifest themselves in the mouth. Dentists are trained to recognize these signs and may recommend that you see other specialists if they detect anything unusual.

Factors that may require more frequent visits

While the general recommendation is to visit the dentist every six months, some patients may need more frequent visits due to specific conditions or risk factors.

1. Gum disease

Patients with periodontal (gum) disease may require more frequent cleanings and checkups to monitor disease progression. Regular cleanings help keep gums healthy and prevent further damage.

2. History of caries

If you have a history of recurring cavities, your dentist may suggest more frequent visits to monitor and treat any new cavities before they become a bigger problem. Early intervention is crucial to keeping teeth healthy.

3. Smokers

Smoking is a significant risk factor for many oral diseases, including oral cancer and gum disease. Smokers may benefit from more frequent visits to the dentist to detect problems early and receive guidance on how to reduce risks.

4. Pregnancy

Pregnancy can increase the risk of dental problems due to hormonal changes. Pregnant women should visit the dentist regularly to ensure that their oral health remains in good condition throughout their pregnancy.

Additional benefits of regular dentist visits

1. Education and personalized advice

During regular visits, your dentist can provide you with personalized education and advice on how to best care for your teeth and gums. This includes proper brushing and flossing techniques, as well as diet and lifestyle recommendations.

2. Preventive treatments

Dentists can use preventative treatments such as fissure sealing and fluoride application to protect your teeth from cavities. These additional treatments provide an extra layer of protection and help maintain good long-term oral health.

3. Monitoring of previous treatments

If you have received dental treatments in the past, such as fillings, crowns, or implants, regular visits allow your dentist to monitor the status of these treatments and make sure they are working properly.


Visiting the dentist regularly, at least every six months, is essential to maintain good oral health and prevent major problems. Don’t wait until you have a dental problem to visit the dentist. Schedule your consultation today and keep your smile healthy and radiant.

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