How GitOps is Used in DevOps

GitOps is rapidly becoming a cornerstone in modern DevOps practices. It extends the principles of DevOps, such as automation, collaboration, and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD), to infrastructure management, using Git as the single source of truth. By combining the declarative model of infrastructure as code (IaC) with Git-based workflows, GitOps simplifies the process of deploying and managing both applications and infrastructure in a seamless, automated manner. This article explores how GitOps is used in DevOps, its benefits, and the tools that enable its adoption.

What is GitOps?

GitOps is a methodology that applies Git-based workflows to operations. It brings the same version control, collaboration, and CI/CD practices typically associated with application development to the management of infrastructure and operations. At its core, GitOps uses Git repositories as the source of truth for defining and automating the desired state of infrastructure and applications. Automation tools continuously reconcile the current state of the system with the desired state stored in the Git repository. Join DevOps Course in Pune

Key Principles of GitOps

GitOps is built around a few core principles that align well with DevOps goals:

  1. Declarative Infrastructure: Infrastructure is described in a declarative format, meaning the desired state is defined, and the system automatically adjusts to maintain that state.
  2. Git as a Source of Truth: All configurations, whether for applications or infrastructure, are stored in a Git repository. This allows teams to manage infrastructure like they manage application code—using version control, branches, pull requests, and reviews.
  3. Continuous Reconciliation: Automation tools ensure that the actual state of the system matches the desired state defined in Git. If there is any deviation, the system automatically makes the necessary adjustments to bring it back in line.
  4. Automated Operations: By continuously monitoring the state of infrastructure and applications, GitOps allows for automatic rollouts and rollbacks, enabling faster and more reliable operations.

GitOps in DevOps

In DevOps, GitOps plays a significant role in improving collaboration between development and operations teams. It extends the DevOps principles of automation, speed, and consistency into infrastructure management, simplifying the deployment and operations process. Below is a detailed breakdown of how GitOps is used in various stages of the DevOps lifecycle.

1. Source Code and Infrastructure Management

GitOps starts with using Git repositories to store not only application code but also infrastructure as code (IaC). Traditional DevOps pipelines manage code for applications and require separate tools or processes for infrastructure. GitOps unifies this by using the same Git repository for both. Infrastructure configurations are managed through declarative files such as Kubernetes manifests, Terraform scripts, or Ansible playbooks, which define how the infrastructure should look and behave.

In this model, the entire application stack, including infrastructure, is managed through Git. This ensures that both the code and infrastructure are in sync and follow the same process of version control, peer review, and approval before being deployed.

2. Continuous Integration (CI) with GitOps

GitOps integrates seamlessly with the CI portion of DevOps pipelines. Once developers commit code to the Git repository, CI tools such as Jenkins, GitLab CI, or CircleCI automatically trigger the build and test phases. This applies to both application code and infrastructure changes.

For example, if a developer commits a change that modifies both the application and its underlying infrastructure, CI tools can validate both simultaneously. This ensures that the infrastructure is tested and built in the same way as the application code. Any errors or issues can be identified and addressed in the CI phase, preventing them from affecting production.

3. Continuous Deployment (CD) with GitOps

In the CD phase, GitOps shines by automating the deployment process. When code or infrastructure changes are approved and merged into the main branch, GitOps tools such as Argo CD, Flux, or Jenkins X automatically deploy these changes to the desired environment.

In Kubernetes environments, for instance, GitOps tools continuously monitor the Git repository for changes. If new changes are detected, the tools automatically apply them to the cluster. This means that once a pull request is merged, the system automatically updates itself to reflect the changes.

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): With GitOps, the desired state of the infrastructure is always stored in Git. This ensures consistency across development, staging, and production environments. When a change is made to the IaC files, GitOps tools automatically ensure that the actual infrastructure aligns with the desired state defined in the code.
  • Application Deployment: GitOps also automates the deployment of application code. Once new features or updates are merged into the Git repository, they are automatically deployed to the production environment.

This approach eliminates the need for manual intervention, reducing the chances of human error and making deployments faster and more reliable.

4. Continuous Monitoring and Feedback

GitOps integrates well with monitoring and observability tools. Once changes are applied to production, monitoring systems provide feedback about the health and performance of the application and infrastructure. If an issue arises, teams can use GitOps to track the exact changes that were made and when they were made. Join DevOps Classes in Pune

In case of an error or infrastructure drift, GitOps tools can automatically roll back to a previous known good state, ensuring quick recovery. This reduces downtime and improves the reliability of both the application and infrastructure.

5. Collaboration and Peer Reviews

GitOps promotes collaboration between teams by using Git’s branching and pull request workflows. Before changes to the infrastructure or application are applied, they must go through a review process. Teams can discuss, review, and approve changes just like they would with application code.

By enforcing a peer review process for infrastructure changes, GitOps enhances quality control and reduces the likelihood of introducing faulty configurations into production. This collaborative approach aligns with the DevOps philosophy of fostering cross-functional teamwork between developers, operations, and security teams.

Benefits of Using GitOps in DevOps

GitOps provides a number of benefits that complement and enhance traditional DevOps practices. These include:

  1. Faster Deployment Cycles: By automating the entire deployment process, from application code to infrastructure, GitOps enables more frequent releases. Continuous integration and deployment become seamless, allowing teams to deploy new features faster.
  2. Improved Consistency: GitOps ensures that the desired state of both the infrastructure and the application is always documented in Git. This eliminates configuration drift and ensures that environments remain consistent throughout the software development lifecycle (SDLC).
  3. Enhanced Security and Compliance: Since all changes are made through Git, teams have full traceability and visibility into what changes were made, who made them, and when. This audit trail is valuable for ensuring compliance with security and regulatory standards.
  4. Scalability: GitOps automates scaling infrastructure to meet changing application demands. For instance, in Kubernetes-based environments, GitOps tools can automatically adjust resource allocations or add/remove services based on configuration changes stored in Git.
  5. Reduced Manual Errors: Automation reduces human intervention, lowering the chances of misconfigurations, overlooked errors, or inconsistency across environments. Once a change is committed, it is automatically applied without requiring manual execution of deployment scripts.
  6. Simplified Rollbacks: Since Git serves as the source of truth, teams can quickly revert to a previous known good state if something goes wrong during deployment. This reduces downtime and minimizes the impact of failed deployments.

GitOps Tools in DevOps

There are several popular tools that help implement GitOps in DevOps environments:

  1. Argo CD: A declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes. It monitors Git repositories and synchronizes the state of a Kubernetes cluster with the state defined in Git.
  2. Flux: An open-source tool that automates the deployment of Kubernetes manifests. It integrates with Git and ensures that changes to the repository are reflected in the Kubernetes environment.
  3. Jenkins X: A Kubernetes-native CI/CD platform that supports GitOps-based workflows for continuous integration and delivery.
  4. Terraform: While not strictly a GitOps tool, Terraform is often used to define infrastructure as code, and can be integrated into GitOps workflows for managing infrastructure across cloud providers. Join DevOps Training in Pune


GitOps is a powerful extension of DevOps practices that integrates the management of infrastructure and applications into a single, Git-based workflow. By automating deployments, ensuring consistency across environments, and promoting collaboration through Git-based workflows, GitOps enables teams to move faster while maintaining stability, security, and reliability. As organizations increasingly embrace cloud-native architectures and continuous delivery, GitOps is poised to play a central role in modern DevOps pipelines, transforming how teams develop, deploy, and manage applications and infrastructure.

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