
how do i cancel Norton subscription and get a refund

How Do I Cancel Norton Subscription and Get a Refund

Canceling your Norton subscription and obtaining a refund is a straightforward process if you follow these steps:

Step 1: Access Your Norton Account

Start by logging into your Norton account. Visit the official Norton website ( and click on the “Sign In” button at the top right corner. Enter your login credentials to access your account dashboard.

Step 2: Navigate to Subscription Settings

Once logged in, go to the “My Subscriptions” section. This section displays your current subscriptions, including renewal dates and payment details. Locate the subscription you wish to cancel.

Step 3: Cancel Auto-Renewal

To prevent future charges, cancel the auto-renewal feature. Click on the “Cancel Subscription Renewal” link next to your active subscription. Norton might ask you to confirm your decision and provide a reason for cancellation. Follow the prompts to finalize the cancellation.

Step 4: Request a Refund

To request a refund, contact Norton customer support. Visit the “Support” section on the Norton website and choose the “Contact Us” option. Use the live chat feature or call their customer service number. Provide your account details and explain that you would like a refund.

Step 5: Confirmation

Once your refund request is processed, Norton will send you a confirmation email. Refunds typically take a few business days to reflect in your account, depending on the payment method used.

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