
How Breaking Boxes Will Help You Reclaim Your Path

Betsy Pepine, a successful entrepreneur in the real estate industry, shares her journey beyond business in her new book, Breaking Boxes: Dismantling the Metaphorical Boxes that Bind Us.

This transformative work explores the limits society and yourself put on fulfillment within “boxes” and how breaking those boxes leads to true success.

The Inspiration Behind Breaking Boxes

After achieving so much success, Betsy found that when it came down to the core of it, she realized that she had checked off the boxes for the conventional data mark of success, except she was not really happy.

She looked back down the road and noted that she had been frustrated so much by the attempt to live up to external expectations that really aligned with her authentic self. “I had checked off all the boxes that I thought meant success, but I wasn’t happy,” she admits.

This realization led to deep self-exploration through practices such as therapy, journaling, meditation, yoga, and other healing modalities.

Breaking Free from Expectations

Through this introspective journey, Betsy discovered a recurring theme in her life: She often felt restricted by social and familial expectations, and unhappiness followed. Instead of living her true passions, she was living in boxes that others had given her. “The common thread where I was most unhappy was when I felt I was being put in a box I never wanted to be in,” she explains.

Empowering Others to Redefine Success

Breaking Boxes is a book that invites readers to deconstruct the metaphorical boxes that hinder the growth of our own success and redefine what success is to us. These may be internalized boxes imposed by society and family, limiting ourselves, or other types of boxes that prevent them from living up to their true potential and happiness.

Order Your Copy Today

Order your copy of Breaking Boxes now. It offers valuable, practical advice on how to break free from constraints and pursue a more authentic, rewarding path to success.

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