Features & Applications of Fluorosilicone

What Is Fluorosilicone?

Fluorosilicone, also known as fluorosilicone rubber, is a versatile class of materials that combines the advantageous properties of silicone rubber with the excellent chemical resistance and thermal stability of fluoroelastomers. It exhibits excellent chemical resistance to fuels, oils, solvents, and other harsh chemicals, making it ideal for applications in the automotive, aerospace, and industrial sectors. Fluorosilicone also has a wide operating temperature range, typically from -60°C to 200°C, enabling it to withstand extreme temperature variations.

Fluorosilicone is a synthetic elastomer composed of a backbone of silicon and oxygen atoms, with fluorine atoms attached to the silicon atoms. This unique molecular structure endows fluorosilicone rubber with excellent properties, making it suitable for demanding applications in harsh environments. Leveraging our expertise in the field, Alfa Chemistry offer a comprehensive range of fluorosilicone products, such as fluorosilicone elastomer, and fluorosilicone oil, etc.

Features & Applications of Fluorosilicone

  • Chemical Resistance
    One of the primary reasons for the popularity of fluorosilicone is its excellent resistance to a wide range of chemicals, including fuels, oils, solvents, acids, and bases.
  • Thermal Stability
    Fluorosilicone exhibits exceptional thermal stability, allowing it to withstand high temperatures without losing its physical properties. It can retain its elasticity and flexibility even at elevated temperatures, making it suitable for applications where exposure to extreme heat is a concern.
  • Low Compression Set
    Fluorosilicone maintains its shape and elasticity over time, even when subjected to compression or deformation. This property, known as low compression set, ensures reliable performance and long-term durability of fluorosilicone-based products.
  • Excellent Weatherability
    Fluorosilicone possesses remarkable resistance to weathering, UV radiation, and ozone exposure. This makes it suitable for outdoor applications that require resistance to environmental factors.
  • Electrical Insulation
    Fluorosilicone exhibits good electrical insulating properties, making it ideal for applications in the electronics and electrical industries. It can effectively seal and protect sensitive electronic components from moisture, dust, and other contaminants.

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