
Everest Base Camp Trek

Everest Base Camp Trek is the dream of every mountaineer to be there once in their lifetime to assimilate with the glory of the world’s highest peak “Mt. Everest (8,848m)”. The other gorgeous Himalayas on the route and at the destination are nothing but the bonus that is beyond your imagination and the research you made before your trip because there is no such word to exactly express those spell bounding and magical moments that you experience throughout your trip and make you feel proud of being among the one lively there to witness it by yourself.

The 15-day Everest Base Camp Trek is a highly sought-after destination for adventure enthusiasts. It offers a breathtaking and picturesque landscape, encompassed by towering mountains. The Everest base camp serves as the starting point for the world’s highest peak, Mt. Everest, also known as Sagarmatha, which stands at an impressive altitude of 8848.83 meters above sea level. Apart from its astounding height, Mt. Everest is renowned for its natural beauty, with snow-capped mountains and stunning Himalayan vistas

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