Essential Things to Know About FUT Hair Transplant

In a world of intense competition, everyone frequently wants to succeed quickly and ignore the negative effects of stress on their bodies. Stress has a profound impact on how we look, particularly on the hair. Although hair loss in young men and women is already frequent, recent advancements in medical technology have made new methods for hair restoration possible. It’s critical to realize that the only approach to treating baldness is through hair transplant procedures. In this blog, we will learn about FUT hair transplant and where to get the best, safest and most natural-looking FUT hair transplant in Mumbai. These days, Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) are the most popular hair transplant treatments. In this post, we introduce the advantages of FUT versus FUE and the benefits of getting FUT. Let’s get this started.


  • Follicular Unit Transplantation: In short known as FUT, is a hair restoration treatment in which a long, thin strip of tissue containing hair grafts is taken from the sides and back of the scalp, which is considered a safe donor location. After being removed from the strip, the follicles are dissected under a stereo microscope and inserted into the recipient region.
  • Follicular Unit Extraction: Thanks to using portable devices, FUE treatments have become increasingly well-known as times have changed. During a FUE procedure, each follicular unit is extracted individually from the scalp without removing a strip of tissue. Randomly removed hair follicles are transplanted to a recipient area of the scalp; however, this process reduces the density of the hairs on the recipient area.

Advantages of FUT versus FUE:

  • Greater Number of Follicle Transplants in a Single Session: FUT is superior to FUE. The fundamental advantage of FUT is that it promotes high hair yield in the area that receives it. If achieving fullness is the main objective, FUT therapy is the better choice since it enables a surgeon to transfer up to 4000 follicles in a single session, while the maximum number of grafts that can be transferred in a single sitting with FUE is approximately 2000–2500.
  • Graft Quality: In FUT, the follicular units are meticulously segregated to preserve their protective layer and are seen under stereomicroscopes. This process produces comprehensive coverage and high-quality grafts. However, because transferring follicular units carries some risk because only the upper portion of the follicle is visible, yield quality with FUE is lower.
  • Greater Rate of Follicle Survival: FUT continues to have a greater rate of follicle survival, despite the fact that FUE can now improve on this rate thanks to contemporary technologies. Because FUE allows a technician to select grafts randomly, the technician may occasionally select grafts from outside the donor zone, which causes the patient’s hair to weaken and eventually fall out as they age. It is frequently advised that patients with restricted hair growth in the donor area choose FUT rather than FUE.
  • The Possibility of the High-density Pack: The graft requirement rises to achieve the necessity of a high-density pack result, and FUT or the strip method of surgery is the applied procedure. Nevertheless, more grafts can only be acquired if the strip is removed since it contains a cluster of follicles, which may be done with ease by dissecting the strip at higher magnifications.
  • With FUT, the Highest Grade of Baldness can be Solved: FUT is used and is a crucial part of the hair transplant process to address the issue of the highest grade of baldness, which is NW-IV, V, VI, or VII. The strip method is the sole suggested technique for treating hereditary baldness, also known as androgenic alopecia, because it may produce the maximum number of follicles in a single treatment.
  • The Permanent Results: The skin is removed in a strip that only targets the safe donor parts of the scalp. The sides and back of the scalp, which contain DHT-resistant hair roots and follicles are extracted. The DHT-resistant roots are considered the safest zone to achieve the surgical goal of restoration since they do not fall out or exhibit the effects of shrinkage.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for FUT Hair Transplant?

To be eligible for either FUT or FUE transplant, one must have enough hair on the head to serve as a graft. The best candidates for FUT are men with androgenic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness. This disorder typically occurs in men as an M-shaped hairline or the Norwood pattern, with hair loss at the temples. Women with this disorder typically experience the Ludwig pattern, which results in thinning at the top of the head or hair loss along the hair part.

A person may also be a good candidate for FUT surgery if they fulfil the following criteria:

  • Age. FUT is often administered to patients over 25, as younger people’s hair loss patterns are less dependable.
  • Diagnosis. Men with the Norwood pattern of hair loss are usually the best candidates for hair transplantation.
  • Thickness of Hair. People with a high hair follicle density typically receive better covering.
  • The Balding Region. The front of the head hair loss is best treated by FUT.
  • Hair Color. Since there is less colour contrast, those with hair colors that are close to their skin tones tend to be better candidates.

Consult at the Top Hair Transplant Clinic for Hair Transplant in Mumbai

Hair follicles from the side or rear of the scalp can be removed during FUT surgery and used to cover bald areas. If performed correctly by a skilled surgeon, the procedure is said to be generally safe and can produce a result that looks natural. FUE surgery can be a better choice if one often wears the hair short because the procedure creates a scar at the hair extraction location.

For the safest, natural-looking, and longest-lasting hair transplant in Mumbai, consult a skilled hair transplant surgeon, Dr. Sumit Agrawal. A superspecialist in plastic surgery, the doctor is renowned worldwide for his exceptional surgical talents and imaginative vision in producing a hairline that looks completely natural. To learn more, book an appointment at Harleys Hair Transplant Clinic an advanced hair transplant clinic to consult Dr. Sumit Agrawal.

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