Take Control of Your Body and Your Confidence. Everyone has a different physical appearance but the breasts make women more attractive, and powerful. Most of the time, the size and shape of breasts insecure them. Life is too short for low confidence and small breasts. This is why, we have a breast enhancement solution for breast augmentation.
Breast augmentation brings springtime to life by appealing bust size, defining contour shape, and regaining the lost volume in the asymmetrical order. The safest, least painful and noticeable outcome makes you look more attractive, charming and hot. In some cases, hormonal imbalance, ageing weight and breastfeeding make the breasts look too saggy and uneven, sort it out with Cosmetic Breast Surgery – Breast Augmentation in Riyadh
(جراحة تكبير الثدي في الرياض). for further detail Read on more!
Breast surgery:
Breast surgery is a cosmetic treatment that addresses the reduction in size, breast enhancement, unaligned shape, and so on. Our expert team consider the needs of the patient and makes it possible through a range of breast surgeries, including:
- Breast augmentation
- Crest lifting
- Breast reconstruction
- Breast reduction
Breast Augmentation:
Breast augmentation is the most frequently adopted option at present time. Defining the shape and enhancing the size of the breast by augmentation satisfies their clients with sensational and alluring outcomes. The surgical procedure changes the overall appearance of the person with breast enlargement. Moreover, a moderately dangerous and painful process that gives you long-lasting results.
Types of Breast Augmentation:
Breast augmentation mainly has two branches:
Fat Transfer:
In this branch of breast augmentation, the lipo suction methodology is used. The fat is excreted from one area and placed into the breast region where it is needed. our expert dermatologists perform the fat transfer process in specific circumstances. The fat is removed from different areas like arms, legs, abdomen, and buttocks which give volume and richness to the breast shape.
Breast Implants:
Breast implants are artificial pads or solution shells which are inserted into the breast with surgical procedures. plastic surgeon and the team of dermatologists rigorously placed the implant into the distinct region to ensure worthwhile motivational results. The implants are categorically divided into two types:
- Silicone implant: Silicone is the widespread implant used in breast enhancement. The most natural-looking way is by utilising silicon gel in the silicon shells and placing it into the breast tissues. If the silicon gel leaks from the shell, it cannot spread and easily refill the gel into the shell from the implant pocket.
- Saline implant: Saline implant is another method of breast enrichment. In this implant, the silicon shell is filled with saline or sterilised saltwater. It’s also the safest method but in the case of rupture, the saltwater is absorbed into the body. The body itself deals with the solution of water and salts but there will be no reaction or risk involved.
How do the implants last?
The implants generally last 10 to 15 years or much longer without any doubt, if performed by an expert at a well-reputed place. The implants are made up of highly durable and stable materials.
Proceeding of breast augmentation:
The procedure of breast augmentation has the following steps:
Before the breast augmentation, the patient has to consult with expert plastic surgeons who advise different instructions which include:
- Get testimonials and lab sessions
- Take the advisable medicines
- Avoid blood thinning supplements and medicine
- Quit smoking or any other drug intake
- Don’t apply any cream or lotion on the breast area
- Fasting the night before the surgery
- Don’t apply any cosmetics or perfume on the skin
At the start of the procedure, the surgeon sketches the breast to minimize the risk of any blunder. In the next step, the anaesthesia specialist inserted the injection into the lower back to reduce the chances of hardship. Clean the breast region and make an incision of 3 to 4 cm to place the implant. The tissues are smoothly folded and create a pocket-like area by using the electrocautery device and stop the bleeding by burning the tissues.at this point, the suggested technique is implemented. a silicon implant or fat restored into the tissues and after positioning the same process is repeated on the other side of the breast to make it balanced. At the end close the incision through stitches which are not removable. The complete surgical procedure lasts 45 -60 minutes.
Aftercare:Aftercare is important to get a favourable outcome the instructions given by the surgeons must be followed, which are:
- Try to wear a recovery bra to support the breast for 6 weeks.
- Eat healthy and well-balanced food to recover fast
- Avoid any intense activity like running, swimming or exercise for a few days
- Take care of the incision otherwise the risk of infection will be increased
- A little redness and swelling are at the peak for 3 to 4 days which fade out shortly
- Don’t smoke, It reduces the blood flow and disturbs the healing process.
Optimal candidate:
The following women are optimal candidates for breast augmentation:
- Girls who need to enhance their shape
- Nominees who have saggy breast
- Individuals who need symmetrical results
- If tightened the skin is to show big areolas
- Smaller breast girls who need lifted effect
- Physical and mentally healthy candidates
- The patient has fully developed breasts or is above 18 years of age
Perks of breast augmentation:
Perks and benefits are released down:
- Enhance the breast appearance
- Safest procedure
- Get rid of saggy breast
- Correct aligned breast
- Painless and long-lasting outcomes
- Boost-up the confidence
- Perfect size according to choice
Cost of breast augmentation:
The average cost of breast augmentation surgery varies from person to person. Thus, the real cost of surgery depends on several factors that can be discussed in the initial consultation.
The patient consulted their objective with the dermatologist and then the expert made a customised plan and the actual price of surgery.
Cost-related factors:
- Clinical geographical location
- Selective technique for breast surgery
- Desireablity and condition of the client
- Experience of team and dermatologist
- Reputation and client satisfaction rate
- Price of anesthesia
- Other additional charges
Why should you choose us?
Enfield Royal Clinic, Riyadh offers extraordinary expert professionals, a highly trained team and advanced technology at affordable prices in a specified environment. We treated on cause according to preference and skin need. Our clinic has flexible and convenient clinical hours to educate patients about risks and make better health decisions using a natural approach for the majority of treatments.
For a favourable outcome in breast augmentation choose us because our experts practice the treatment for years. The practitioners try to be painless throughout the surgery according to the patient’s objectives.
Book an appointment:
Give Yourself the Gift of Confidence and Invest in Cosmetic Breast Surgery
(عمليات التجميل في الرياض)- Breast Augmentation in Riyadh by booking an appointment. Fill out the form below and get a free initial consultation because first Impressions matter.