
Common Skin Issues and How Skin Specialists Treat Them

Continuously struggling with skin problems like acne, eczema, or psoriasis is the worst thing one could ever face. In this depth-guide, you can explore how skin specialists assess and treat the skin issues as well as the advantages and possible risks of various treatments.

Understand your skin: It’s role, vulnerabilities, and common issues

Our skin’s job is not just to cover our bodies. It serves as a defender against the external threats and plays an essential role in our holistic wellness. It acts as a shield but still our skin is highly vulnerable to a range of conditions that can influence both its appearance and function. From chronic acne to persistent skin inflammation, different skin issues can affect people of all eras. Here are some common skin problems and their treatments prescribed by skin specialist:

  1. Acne: The battle against breakouts

Acne is the most prevailing skin issue which influences millions of people globally. It develops when oil, dead skin cells and bacteria block hair follicles, and cause swollen spots, pimples, or blackheads. These pimples mostly show up on the face, chest, and back.

  1. Eczema: Managing the itch

Eczema is a skin problem that leads to dry, itchy and inflamed skin. It can be because of allergens, irritants and even climate fluctuations. 

  1. Psoriasis: When skin cells work overtime

Psoriasis is a self attacking condition that accelerates the skin regeneration, and causes rough, irritated, swollen spots.

  1. Rosacea: More than just facial redness

Rosacea causes redness, apparent blood vessels, and mostly pus-filled bumps on the face.

  1. Contact dermatitis: When skin rebels

This problem happens when skin reacts to an allergen, leading to redness, discomfort and itching.

  1. Vitiligo: The loss of pigment

Vitiligo stems from the breakdown of melanocytes which causes the patches on the skin losing pigment.

  1. Melasma: the stubborn skin discoloration

Melasma appears as brown or grayish patches on the face, often triggered by changes in hormones.

  1. Hives (Urticaria): The sudden skin reaction

Hives are raised, itchy welts on the skin that appear suddenly due to any allergic reaction, infection or stress.

  1. Fungal infections: The unwelcome intruders

Fungal infections like ringworm, athlete’s foot and yeast infections, spread rapidly in hot and humid habitats and can disperse quickly.

  1. Warts: The persistent growth

Warts may be caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and can show up on different parts of the body such as hands, feet, and face.

Alongside traditional methods, skin specialists also use distinct advanced procedures including:


Eczema is a severe inflammatory skin problem which can be caused by genetic and external factors. It is not contagious and doesn’t spread from person to person but may get worse due to allergens and stress.

If you have sensitive skin, open wounds, allergies then better to consult with a skilled dermatologist then directly going for whitening remedies and treatments.

 Unlike traditional facials which provide surface level benefits, face PRP Treatment works at cellular level and allows deep skin healing, collagen production and long lasting rejuvenation.

If you have sensitive skin, open wounds, allergies then better to consult with a skilled dermatologist then directly going for remedies and treatments.

Don’t overuse whitening products. Avoid skipping your sunscreen and refrain from washing your face from hot water in winter. Don’t go for strong chemical based products.

Apply sunscreen daily and wear caps and sunglasses. Avoid direct sunlight and don’t go outside in peak hours and use natural remedies such as aloe vera and cucumber to cure sun damage.

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