
Chelated Fertilizer Archives – Ujjawala Fertilizers

Ujjawala Chemical & Fertilizers is a Modern Agriculture Company. We develop products and systems to help farmers around the country grow crops while using the best of the inputs efficiently. We believe agriculture inputs have the potential to bring humanity’s needs in balance with the resources of our planet. Ujjawala Chemical & Fertilizers was established in 1996, during that time it was one of India’s first Bio Fertilizers companies. Since then the company has diversified into multiple categories of Agriculture Inputs, Agro Chemicals like Insecticides, Fungicides, herbicides etc. Over the years, we have diversified our offerings to emerge as a complete farm solutions provider, offering seeding to harvesting solutions. We offer Plant Nutrients and Crop Protection solutions including Fertiliser, Crop Protection, Bio-pesticides, Specialty Nutrients & Organic fertilizer.

Ujjawala always make their farmers happy and our motto is also Ujjwala’s Farmer Happy Farmer.

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