An exquisite ayurvedic kajal made from CHAKSHUSHYA herbs for all age groups including babies .
We have developed our handmade Ayurvedic Kajal, from the sublime intermix of Ayurvedic herbs,Almond oil and Desi A2 cow’s ghee which forms the purely natural combo, setting forth a beyond compare nutrifying effect on our organ of vision. The exquisite ayurvedic Kajal is formulated following the references of the ancient classic ‘Sahasrayogam’ using, The popular Chakshushya herbs (herbs which nourish eyes) including Tulsi, Triphala, Sahadevi and Daruharidra. They are processed for 21 days and is converted into a black medicated soot collected over a copper plate. Our formulary method is purely natural, and close or more similar to the way by which our ancestors had been traditionally making this basic eye beauty enhancer. It lasts for 4-6 hours and might smudge a little or has the potential to give you a smudge free effect depending on your skin type.
It is 100% safe for babies as well
No mineral colors/parabens or preservatives are added to it.
Ingredients :Tulsi,Sahadevi,Daruharidra,Thriphala,Pachakarpoora,A2 Ghee,Castor oil,Bees Wax.
Warning: keep away from sunlight or hot climate to avoid kajal melting.