Cranial Osteopathy: Its Foundation and Uses

Osteopathy emphasizes the importance of the skull and its structures. While it is particularly successful for tinnitus and migraines, the benefits of cranial osteopath Leicester extend far beyond the cranial sphere and can cure a wide range of diseases, including digestive issues and joint pain. This post discusses its various applications.

Understanding Cranial Osteopathy: Principles and Scope

Osteopathy considers the whole person, including their environment and physical state. An osteopathic physician would never divide the fascial, musculoskeletal, and visceral domains because all bodily parts are interconnected. Particular interest in cranial osteopathy lies in the region that includes the sacrum, spine, and skull. The foundation of cranial osteopath Leicester is the idea that the osseous components of the skull can move. The intracranial dura mater allows the brain to adapt to the skull and vice versa. The 22 pieces that make up this structure are articulated through sutures. 

The spinal dura mater, which connects the base of the skull to the sacrum, is essential for proper cranial osteopath Leicester. This relationship explains how the skull affects the entire body, as well as how jaw abnormalities can cause back pain or neck discomfort after a fall.

Indications for a consultation in cranial osteopathy: Common and Surprising Uses

The reasons for cranial osteopath Leicester consultation are multiple and sometimes surprising.

  • Migraines, headaches
  • ENT disorders (notably seromucous otitis)
  • Bruxism (grinding of teeth, clicking of jaw), difficulty swallowing
  • Neck, back, lumbar pain
  • Postural disorder
  • Dizziness
  • Visceral disorders (diarrhea, reflux, constipation)
  • Joint pain
  • Tinnitus
  • Visual disturbances

The course of a consultation

During a cranial osteopath Leicester consultation, assessing the cranial sphere is a crucial step. The patient will share their symptoms with the osteopath, who will also review their medical history. The practitioner will then treat the area of pain before proceeding to the other spheres to discover the location of the primary problem.

The session lasts about 1 hour during which the osteopath will spend time at the level of the skull, and tissues and observe the reactions of the body while remaining attentive to the patient’s feelings. The number of sessions depends on the reason for the consultation. One to two sessions may be enough to resolve a bruxism problem. If the disorder is located at the level of the masticatory muscles, it will be a question of improving the muscular quality. If the disorders are rather particular, the osteopath can work in collaboration with an orthodontist who will make a splint that the patient will wear at night.

Cranial Osteopathy for Children: Effective Against Ear Infections

Children are particularly susceptible to seromucous otitis due to anatomical factors. Their Eustachian tube is nearly horizontal, which can lead to mucus stagnation and an increased risk of ear infections. A preventive protocol can be established in collaboration with an ENT specialist for children up to 6 years old. Recurrent otitis may also stem from birth interventions, such as the use of forceps or spatulas, which can alter cranial anatomy. As this treatment requires significant expertise, it must be administered by a qualified osteopath.

Babies too!

Parents tend to consult an osteopath only in case of a problem (reflux, stiff neck, sleep problems, etc.) but osteopaths recommend not waiting until there is a problem. Childbirth is in itself an ordeal for the body (that of the baby, but also that of the mother!) and even if everything went well, it is preferable to have an assessment. Disorders of the cranial sphere can result from the use of forceps during birth, leading to increased pressure on certain areas and even acting on the sutures. The cause of the disorders can also lie in the bad position of the baby in utero. It is therefore possible to consult from the first month. In osteopathy, prevention is the best treatment!

But exercise caution when dealing with expectant mothers, for whom it is best to seek advice after the first trimester. The practitioner will exercise caution while using specific procedures that overstimulate the neural system during pregnancy. However, osteopathy is still a great tool for supporting the mother’s relaxation and pelvic mobility.

In Conclusion

Beyond the cranial area, cranial osteopath leicester offers a comprehensive approach to treating a wide range of ailments. Its benefits are numerous, ranging from easing migraines and intestinal problems to enhancing joint and postural health. Early consultations guarantee efficient, preventive care for adults and children alike.

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