Liver derived primary cells for liver organioids for drug testing

When we are testing our drug for cytotoxicity, we start by testing it in vitro on immortalized cell lines. But are they really physiologically relevant for drug testing? The answer is no, because the gene and protein expression in them is vastly different from what occurs in the physiological system. So, scientists have come up with alternative testing methods like organs on a chip, organoids, and 3D bioprinting. They use liver derived primary cells as the first test to determine the cytotoxicity of the drugs. But using these cells in a 2D environment is not going to give us insights that are physiologically relevant. What we need is the use of a 3D cell culture or a physiologically relevant system. To solve this complexity, scientists use organioids.

Exploring the Potential of Liver Derived Primary Cells in Creating Organoids

As we mentioned earlier, conventional cell lines often struggle to replicate the body’s reactions to medications accurately. This is where the fascinating realm of liver organoid research comes into play. These 3D structures provide a realistic testing platform compared to flat 2D cell cultures. So what is essential at the core of these organs?

The Vital Role of Liver Derived Primary Cells

Organoids, those that mirror the liver, heavily depend on a specific type of cell: liver derived primary cells. These cells are freshly extracted directly from liver tissue, capturing the characteristics and functions of liver cells. Unlike immortalized cell lines, liver-derived primary cells maintain their gene and protein expression profiles, resulting in a more faithful representation of the human liver.

Harnessing the Advantages of Liver Organoids with Primary Cells

By integrating liver derived cells into cultivation, researchers enjoy numerous benefits for drug testing. Two of the main reasons include:

  • The 3D structure and intricate cell interactions within organoids closely resemble how drugs interact with real liver tissue.
  • Enhanced accuracy in predicting a drug’s toxicity in humans.

Liver organoids provide a cost-effective and morally acceptable option compared to animal testing, speeding up the process of discovering and developing drugs. While organoids excel at testing for cell toxicity, their potential goes beyond this phase. By incorporating cell types and simulating liver functions, scientists can use organoids to evaluate how a drug affects different aspects of liver health, such as drug metabolism, drug interactions, and disease modeling.

The Future of Drug Discovery

The integration of liver cells with technology marks a significant advancement in drug discovery. By offering a platform that closely resembles conditions, researchers can gain insights into the safety and effectiveness of drugs, ultimately leading to the development of safer and more efficient treatments for patients.

If you are looking for primary cells to create liver organoids for testing the drug’s toxicity, visit We are among India’s leading primary cell providers, all while being GMP-compliant.


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