Why Every Parent Should Know the Well Child Visit Schedule?


Did you know, that even if your baby is perfectly fine, visiting a pediatrician is just as important as visiting a doctor for an unwell person? As per expert advice, you should schedule your first visit to a Pediatrician within 3 to 5 days of your baby’s birth.

What is most important to note is the frequency of well-baby visits is often more regular than that of adults. Hence, it becomes important for parents to understand the right schedule for well-child visits and safeguard the child’s health.

Let’s have a clear idea in this blog about what is well-child visits and the right schedule for visiting a Pediatrician:

What are Well-Child Visits?

A well-child visit is when you make an appointment and visit the pediatrician, even if your child seems perfectly fine and healthy. It is a preventive health check-up and assessment to determine your baby’s health and development.


In every visit, the Pediatrician does a complete test and examination of the child such as height, weight, vision, hearing, Blood preparation, Sleep, and Immune system, etc. Apart from the checkups, Doctors also provide your child with necessary vaccinations and medicine if required.


Basically, They will conduct all the necessary tests and assessments to determine the health of your baby. These tests aim to identify potential risks and prevent them at their early stage. This is quite important from the perspective of necessary vaccinations with every schedule.

Why Well-child visit is Important?

Regular and timely well-child visits help you understand your child’s health more effectively and prevent any health issues in the future. The right and experienced pediatrician also advises you for your child’s better health. These well-child visits are very important to understand and prevent common health problems in children or infants.


Since your child undergoes all the necessary screenings, tests, and vaccination procedures from time to time, you as a parent can breathe easy.


When Should you take the baby to a Pediatrician (Well Child Visit Schedule)

As per the Expert pediatrician and Standardized Norms, A child should visit at least 7 times before their one year of age and 12 times till their 3rd birthday. When should you schedule a well-child visit also depends on the age of your baby and the Recommendation of a doctor.


Here is the normal breakdown of the Well-child visit schedule and when you should take your baby to the pediatrician.

●   New Born (The first week of the Birth)

Just after the birth, Your baby needs a well-child visit schedule within 3 to 5 days of their birth. This will be the first well-child visit. The goal of this visit is to check and diagnose all the necessary and critical health conditions along with providing immunizations to protect the baby from serious health issues.


Based on the Tests and Checkups, your doctor will help you with your baby’s health and wellness either by prescription or important advice.

●   Infancy

After the initial well-child visit, your pediatrician will tell you the schedule for the next visit. Generally, after the first visit, below is a general well-child visit schedule to ensure timely checkups and immunizations.


  • 1 month
  • 2 Month
  • 4 Month
  • 6 Month
  • 9 Month
  • 12 Month
  • 15 Month
  • 18 Month
  • 2 Years
  • 2 ½ Years
  • 3 Years
  • Every year till 18


Benefits of Well-child Visit Schedule

●   Prevention of potential Health issues

One of the important benefits of this timely well-child visit program is that it helps you prevent any major health problems before they occur. Once diagnosed, the doctor can help you prevent these health problems with proper medication and treatment.


●   Tracking the growth and Development

Regular checkups, screenings, and health assessments help pediatricians understand and track the growth and development of the child’s health. You get proper information about your child’s health and what to take care of to enhance the child’s health.


Regular and Properly planned Well-child visit schedule is important to track and analyze your child’s health development. It helps you prevent major health issues. By following the above-mentioned schedule, you can ensure your child’s well-being with utmost care.






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