What Benefits Do FUE Hair Transplant Offers?

Whether a woman or a man experiences hair loss, they know its adverse effects on an individual’s quality of life. Hair loss can negatively impact confidence, attitude, social life, and lower self-esteem. Several medical professionals and skilled hair transplant specialists provide safe and efficient hair restoration options. Follicle unit extraction (FUE) hair transplants are among the most popular procedures for hair transplants used by surgeons. This advanced technique assists one in growing back a thicker head of hair and getting results that seem natural with FUE. In this blog, we will learn the advantages of this cutting-edge technique and who to contact to get the best and safest FUE hair transplant in Mumbai. Let’s get this started!

Take a moment to discover the six main advantages that FUE hair transplants offer.

1. Almost No Scarring

With the FUE hair restoration procedure, individuals can achieve incredible results without removing massive hair strips that create enormous scars. This technology allows hair surgeons to manipulate individual hair follicles, giving one a fuller head of hair without leaving the large, linear scars left by traditional types of hair transplants.

Because the FUE extraction sites are so small (≤ 1mm), any scars still present are invisible, allowing surgeons to accomplish this outcome. After treatment, the areas shut and heal naturally, leaving almost no scars. One doesn’t require sutures or surgical glue!

2. Minimal Pain

With FUE, there’s less pain involved than with traditional hair transplants, which frequently cause severe discomfort while the scalp heals from the excision of big strips. To ensure comfort throughout the procedure, the hair restoration expert uses long-acting anaesthetics to numb the scalp.

Most patients reserve the use of over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, for managing post-treatment discomfort. Furthermore, almost all patients state that they are pain-free 24 hours after receiving treatment.

3. Healthier Hair Produces Better Outcomes.

The graft survival rate with FUE is 90–95%, while the “strip” method of hair transplantation yields a survival rate of only 75%. This implies that one receives a thicker, fuller head of hair while using FUE. Additionally, while the scalp heals, one enjoys healthier hair because there is less damage to hair follicles.

4. Lower Chance of Infection

Hair transplants are generally relatively safe procedures. But with the “strip” approach, there’s a chance that the donor or graft site could get infected after surgery. Less than 1% of patients with FUE experience infection-related symptoms, making it a far safer procedure than previous methods.

5. No Need for General Anaesthesia

The surgeon and the team of grafting specialists can handle the FUE hair transplant. Because this minimally invasive technique doesn’t require general anaesthesia, patients can also go back home after the treatment.

6. Quickest Possible Recovery

With dependable and efficient FUE, one will experience the fastest possible recovery from a hair transplant. In one to two days, one can resume many of one’s everyday activities. After a week, one will be back to their regular schedule except for bathing and caring for one’s scalp as it recovers and grows in the transplanted hair.

Consult top Hair Transplant Surgeon for Hair Transplant in Mumbai.

Individuals considering getting a hair transplant can consult with Harleys Hair Transplant Clinic. There, one can consult an expert hair transplant surgeon, Dr. Sumit Agrawal, to learn more about the advantages of FUE. The doctor is widely known for offering the most effective natural-looking hair transplant in Mumbai. Some advanced techniques the doctor uses include FUE, FUT, revision hair transplant, vertex hair transplant, high-density hair transplant, and many more. Visit Harleys Hair Transplant Clinic now!

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