Why Choosing a Trusted Roofer in Kilburn Matters for Insurance Claims


As a homeowner in Kilburn dealing with roof damage, it’s essential to know how to navigate the insurance claim process effectively. Whether you’re working with a roofer in Kilburn or managing the repairs yourself, understanding the steps to file and handle a claim can make a significant difference.

How do you file a claim if you’re the homeowner? How do you deal with a claim, what do you do, and what do you not do? In today’s topic, we are talking about those situations where an insurance company writes an estimate for damages to repair your roof.  But, in the end, asks you to get a few more estimates.

What is Xactimate?

Here’s what you need to know:

22 out of 25 insurance companies use software called Xactimate. Correct me if I’m wrong. I would say 90% of roofers in Kilburn out there who work with storm damage claims also use Xactimate. We have people on staff, or we outsource it to people who can prepare estimates. That software is widely accepted in our industry, just like if you go to the hospital. Everybody uses the same software there. Xactimate is what we use in our industry. So, what happens is when hail damage occurs or any other storm, hurricane, or flood damage, the insurance adjuster is trained to go to Xactimate. The adjuster doesn’t just pick the price out of nowhere; Xactimate literally tells them how much labor should be to remove and install, how much people should get paid hourly for different trades. It’s all pretty regulated and agreed upon in the industry.

Why You Don’t Need 3 Estimates?

Insurance companies are also in business to make money, obviously. So, when an insurance adjuster tells the homeowner, that you need to go get three estimates, they’re not concerned about you saving money; they’re concerned about them saving money.

What’s going to happen is if you run an estimate for $30,000 and you go get three estimates. Let’s say one of them is $25,000, and you choose that contractor for $25,000. You just saved the insurance company $5,000.

I want you to ask yourself, what gives? Why is the estimate $30,000? Because you know, you don’t get to keep it. You would have to commit fraud to keep the difference because you’ll have to send them documentation. Those in the form of an invoice, estimate, or some kind of receipt to recoup the rest of the money. So the question I have is, ask yourself and ask the adjuster why you? Why the homeowner, are being asked to get three estimates?

Why Do You Need 3 Estimates?

Because if you already have an insurance contract for a roofer in Kilburn working with you, and somebody you can trust, just tell them. You have the right as a homeowner to tell them. “I already have a contractor and am working with NWL Renovations Ltd .” What’s your thought on it? This is something that was a general practice that has recently changed. It came more from the automobile side of things. Where you’d have one body shop being 50% higher than the next one.

So, what they try to do is, they would actually have the ability to choose where you went to go. The reason is they want to pay the least amount. Now, you did have the right to make sure, as apples to apples, they’re all doing the same type of work. Then they got to choose the cheapest of those prices—generally, it was the middle guy. That’s where the three estimates came up. In homes, it’s different.

You, as a homeowner, have the opportunity to work with anybody you choose. Now, as a homeowner, if you want to choose to really go through the process of talking with seven or eight contractors. That’s fine, that’s your choice. However, in regards to receiving bids for insurance work, it is the insurance company that provided the estimate with a bid. If you’re trying to get it done for less than what it is. Then you either have to return the money, or you cannot accept it anymore if it costs you less—that’s fraud.

You Already Know the Contractor

If you’ve been asked to get several estimates but already have a contractor in mind. Such as opting for the services of a roofer in Kilburn, it’s important to know that it’s your legal right to stick with your choice. You can tell the insurance company, “This is my contractor of choice. I don’t want to look elsewhere; work with them and negotiate the price. I chose them because I did my research. They’re a trusted contractor. Don’t let the insurance company pressure you into making decisions. That will make you uncomfortable or create unnecessary hassle.

The insurance company has already agreed on the price, so their role is simply to work with the contractor you’ve selected. Whether you already have a roofer in Kilburn or need to find one, choose just one contractor and present that option. Avoid the common mistake of providing multiple estimates and asking the insurance company, “Which one should I choose?” Remember, it’s not the insurance company’s job to find you a contractor—that responsibility falls on you. Always choose a contractor you trust, one who will make the right decisions in dealing with the insurance company and represent your interests. Never opt for the lowest bid just to save money; that approach often leads to problems. Instead, go with someone reliable who stands by their work and ensures a smooth process with the insurance company.


In conclusion, always choose a roofer in Kilburn that you trust when dealing with insurance claims. You have the right to pick your own contractor, so don’t let the insurance company pressure you into making choices that aren’t right for you. Stick with a reliable roofer who will work with the insurance company to get your roof fixed properly.

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