What is ISO 50001, and what does it aim to achieve?


ISO 50001 is an international standard that outlines the requirements for a organization to develop and implement energy management system (EnMS). The standard has a simple structure that makes it easy to implement and operate, establishing processes for improving energy performance.

ISO 50001 works to make organizations energy efficient and decrease their consumption of energy. This works by laying out expectations for organisations such as to create an energy policy, set clear and measurable targets leading to improvement in their energy performance, implement processes specifically aimed at delivering those goals. ISO 50001 certification  implementation helps organizations to monitor their energy usage, identify areas of improvement and implement ways to reduce effectively the use and cost of that aspect.

Through reducing greenhouse gas emissions related to the energy consumption, ISO 50001 also enables organizations cut down on their environmental footprint as well. Therefore, this Standard assists in creating a culture of improvement by providing annual reviews and updates on energy management processes to ensure the applicability/efficacy (sustainability) for any improvements that are made.

In addition, by integrating energy management into broader organizational processes and decision making, ISO 50001 supports a more sustainable business model. The standard forms the foundation for meeting current and future regulatory requirements, while also driving carbon reduction improvement consistently year on-year to align with global targets.

In the end, ISO 50001 is supposed to deliver them in a way that has – say it for five times: economic benefits and environmental benefits.

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