7 Facts About Vitiligo That You Might Not Know

Vitiligo, also called leukoderma, is a skin condition in which white spots or patches appear on the skin. This condition occurs when an individual’s immune system attacks the body’s cells, which are responsible for producing colour in our skin and hair(melanocytes). When these cells get destroyed, the pigment on the skin fades. While this skin condition is not life-threatening, it can affect an individual’s self-esteem. It can be a life-changing experience for the patient as it leads to embarrassment and depression. Fortunately, dermatologists like Dr. Nivedita Dadu offers the best vitiligo treatment in Delhi at her clinic to minimise the appearance of these white patches. 

Although it is easy to determine if an individual has vitiligo, given their outward appearance, there are several facts one does not know about this skin concern. This blog will detail seven  facts about vitiligo that might surprise them. 

Here are the Seven Facts to Know About Vitiligo 

  1. Vitiligo is Painless

Individuals suffering from vitiligo do not feel any physical pain. The skin condition usually affects the skin colour and sometimes the pupils, which causes psychological and emotional trauma. Individuals can also suffer from depression as a result of this disorder. 

  1. Vitiligo is Not Contagious

Vitiligo is a skin disorder that replaces the natural skin tone with white patches or spots. It is not contagious, as it can not spread from person to person, even through physical touch, sharing personal items, or sexual contact. 

  1. Vitiligo is Not Caused By Intake of Food

Many individuals believe that vitiligo is caused by certain drinks or the food one digests. The most common foods that are known for causing vitiligo include eating fish or drinking milk. But there is no specific evidence that proves this to be true. Since it is an autoimmune skin condition, individuals with vitiligo can drink or eat anything they want. 

  1. Vitiligo is Not Leprosy

Vitiligo is often confused with leprosy due to its similar appearance on the skin. However, the two skin conditions are very different. Leprosy is an infectious disease caused by bacillus known as Mycobacterium leprae. It affects the eyes and skin. Conversely, Vitiligo is a purely non-infectious disease of autoimmune aetiology that causes skin pigment loss. If one needs clarification about whether they are experiencing vitiligo or leprosy, one can consider consulting Dr. Nivedita Dadu, the best skin doctor in Delhi at Dadu Medical Centre. 

  1. Vitiligo Can Happen to Anyone

Vitiligo can occur in any individual regardless of age, skin colour, or gender. The only exception is that individuals with compromised immune systems are more susceptible, as vitiligo is an autoimmune disease. 

  1. Vitiligo is Not Related With Skin Cancer or Albinism

Albinism is a genetic condition. Patients born with this condition have white skin all over, including areas such as eyebrows since birth. These individuals are also born with no melanin. Vitiligo patients, on the other hand, have normal skin at birth. They develop abnormal immune responses toward melanocytes, causing loss of pigment late in life. 

  1. Vitiligo Patches Do Not Always Lead to Vitiligo

Not all white patches on the skin are vitiligo. Other skin conditions, such as fungal infections or post-burns, are known to begin in white patches. Therefore, it is vital to consult a leading dermatologist and refrain from self-diagnosing. 

How is Vitiligo Treated? 

At renowned clinics such as Dadu Medical Centre, the following treatments are offered for treating vitiligo: 

  1. Oral and Topical Medications

If half of the body’s surface area is depigmented due to vitiligo, the dermatologist suggests bleaching agents to reduce the appearance of vitiligo. Creams help bleach the normal skin to match the depigmented areas of the body. Topical treatments comprise steroidal creams, vitamin D analogues, and calcineurin inhibitors. 

  1. Phototherapy 

This is one treatment option in which sunlight is used to restore the colour of depigmented skin. To increase the effectiveness of this therapy, it is often combined with topical application of ointments or creams.

  1. PUVA Treatment

In this procedure, UVA light is coupled with psoralen, which helps restore the skin’s colour. PUVA therapy involves two key components: psoralen, a medication that makes the skin more sensitive to light, and ultraviolet A (UVA) light exposure.

  1. Melanocyte Transfer

It is a surgery in which normal skin tissue grafts from unaffected areas of the patient’s body, like the hips, are taken and placed over the affected skin. These melanocytes are then isolated and processed in a laboratory to create a cell suspension. Subsequently, the prepared melanocyte suspension is carefully applied to the depigmented areas of the skin using specialised techniques. 

Get Effective Treatment for Vitiligo at Dadu Medical Centre 

If one is looking for a facility that offers the best vitiligo treatment in Delhi, one can consider visiting Dadu Medical Centre. Dr. Nivedita Dadu, the expert dermatologist, suggests the best treatment for vitiligo depending on the severity of the condition and the patient’s medical history. 

Visit Dadu Medical Centre today to benefit from vitiligo treatment. The clinic is located in Rajouri Garden (West Delhi) and Vasant Vihar (South Delhi).

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